Category: Uncategorized

How Many AI Chatbots Does It Take To Edit A Novel?

Crossposted from my Substack supercyberlicious. Yes, of course, I felt dirty. Aside from the guilt of pumping several pineapple’s worth of carbon into the atmosphere, it was also…


I am a researcher and educator focused on open source software, digital infrastructure, and critical approaches to new technologies.  I received my PhD in English from The CUNY…

Dystopian edtech and the future of software supply chain security

Getting the middle finger from your audience isn’t typically a desired outcome for a talk, but it was exactly the type of reaction I was hoping for during…

Towards a Software of the Oppressed: A Freirean Approach to Surveillance Capitalism

I’m excited to share an open access version of my chapter “Towards a a Software of the Oppressed: A Freirean Approach to Surveillance Capitalism.” The chapter was recently…

def tech_liberation():

#teaching agency in a programmed world From our living rooms to the workplace, digital surveillance and control are on the rise.  How did computing become so scary, and…

Open access in an age of surveillance technology

Fighting for ground in the public imagination This post is adapted from a talk I gave at the University of Victoria on October 21, 2019 as the Honorary…

Ten weird tricks for resisting surveillance capitalism in and through the classroom . . . next term!

(Cross-posted on HASTAC) Greetings, educators! Are you watching in sheer terror as BigTech’s four horsemen Surveillance, Exploitation, Manipulation, and Cataclysmic Hubris gallop wildly down the information superhighway, downloading…

exciting news!

I’m thrilled to announce that I’m joining the UC San Diego Library as the Digital Scholarship Librarian. After two and half years of working in a variety of…

Social Paper: Retooling Student Consciousness

A global commons for students to network in-progress writing and feedback across disciplines, institutions, and publics. The following is a grant proposal written in October 2015 soliciting funding from…

On encouragement and the digital humanities

“Instruction does much, but encouragement does everything.” These words were written by Goethe, but I know them from the email signature of my colleague Evan Misshula, a data…